杨凯科,男,中共党员,博士,研究生导师。2004/09-2011/08就读湘潭大学,先后获学士和硕士学位;2011/09-2016/08就读西班牙巴斯克大学,获硕士和博士学位。2016/10-2017/10在新加坡国立大学做博士后;2017/10-2020/08在中国科学院半导体研究所做博士后和特别研究助理;2020/08-至今任职304am永利集团官网。主要从事半导体声子物理、电-声子物理、热能调控、热电转换等凝聚态理论与计算材料学研究。目前在Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. B, Appl. Phys. Lett.等期刊发表论文超过30篇。
E-mail: kkyang@hunnu.edu.cn
1. 新型半导体材料与器件物理
2. 凝聚体系中的电-声子耦合、热电输运等
1. 主持湖南省百人计划青年项目(2022/05-2025/04)
2. 主持国家自然科学基金委面上项目:半导体中电子耦合调控声子热输运性质研究(批准号:12174099,2022/01-2025/12)
3. 主持国家自然科学基金委青年项目:二维层状材料中电-声子耦合对热电性能的调控(批准号:11804333,2019/01-2021/12,已结题)
4. 主持304am永利集团官网科研启动项目:半导体声子热传导性质研究(2020/09-2023/08)
5. 主要参与国家自然科学基金委面上项目:温度引起的半导体能带结构和输运性质的重整化(批准号:11874347,2019/01-2022/12)
1. Kaike Yang, Enrico Perfetto, Stefan Kurth, Gianluca Stefanucci, and Roberto D'Agosta, Density functional theory of the Seebeck coefficient in the Coulomb blockade regime,Phys. Rev. B: Rapid Communications 94, 081410 (2016).
2. Jin Xiao#,Kaike Yang#, Dan Guo, Tao Shen, Hui-Xiong Deng, Shu-Shen Li, Jun-Wei Luo, and Su-HuaiWei,Realistic dimension-independent approach for charged defect calculations in semiconductors,Phys. Rev. B 101, 165306(2020). (共同第一作者)
3. Kaike Yang, Seymur Cahangirov, Andres Cantarero, Angel Rubio, and Roberto D'Agosta, Thermoelectric properties of atomically thin silicene and germanene nanostructures,Phys. Rev. B 89, 125403 (2014).
4. Kaike Yang, Yuanping Chen, Roberto D’Agosta, Yuee Xie, Jianxin Zhong, and Angel Rubio, Enhanced thermoelectric properties in hybrid graphene/boron nitride nanoribbons,Phys. Rev. B 86, 045425 (2012).
5. Shiyun Xiong,Kaike Yang, Y. A. Kosevich, Y. Chalopin, R. D'Agosta, P. Cortona, S. Volz, Classical to quantum transition of heat transfer between two silica clusters,Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 114301 (2014).
6. Kaike Yang, Jin Xiao, Jun-Wei Luo, Shu-Shen Li, Su-Huai Wei, and Hui-Xiong Deng,A systematic study ofthe negative thermal expansion in zinc-blende and diamond-like semiconductors,New J.Phys. 21, 123015(2019).
7. Kaike Yang, Jin Xiao, Zhihui Ren, Zhongming Wei, Jun-Wei Luo, Su-Huai Wei, and Hui-Xiong Deng,Decoupling of the electrical and thermal transports in strongly coupled interlayer materials,J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 7832 (2021).
8. Tao Shen,Kaike Yang, Baoying Dou, Su-Huai Wei, Yuanyue Liu, and Hui-Xiong Deng, Clarification of the relative magnitude of exciton binding energies in ZnO and SnO2,Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 042105 (2022).
9. Dan Guo, Chen Qiu,Kaike Yang, and Hui-Xiong Deng,Nonradiative Carrier Recombination Enhanced by Vacancy Defects in IonicII-VISemiconductors,Phys. Rev. Appl. 15, 064025 (2021).
10. Kaike Yang, Ji-Chang Ren, Hongfei Qiu, and Jian-Sheng Wang, Phonon-driven electron scattering and magnetothermoelectric effect in two-dimensional tin selenide,J. Phys. Condens. Matter 30, 055301 (2018).